Do you often think your emotions are not listened to or taken seriously? As a man, your mental health is often forgotten, especially when you’re expected to always keep it together. “But shouldn’t I be able to fix my problems on my own?” We know. Sometimes asking for help makes us seem as if we’re incapable.  However, the truth is, no matter who we are, we all need help every once in a while.

Maybe your relationship isn’t working out.
You’re trying to break through the pattern of abuse you saw in your parents relationship and yet, it just isn’t quite making sense. Are you a child of divorce? Does a loving, healthy, happy marriage seem as if it is something you just don’t believe exists?

Do you often hear:
Stop acting like such a girl
• Real men don’t cry
• Man up!

Society has told you to “be a man” when sometimes that means pretending your real life emotions don’t exist. It’s often portrayed as if you are too “weak” or “feminine” for choosing to seek help. Let's work together to change this and develop a space that will be comfortable for you to focus on finding stregnth.

Let's work together to find a way to prioritize YOU.

When all of these aspects of your life build up day after day, over time it can manifest in different areas. Sometimes you may find yourself getting angry often or becoming angry at things that you’re not supposed to be mad at, but are unsure why. This state of anger can become a normal state that eventually, you just live in comfortably (or uncomfortably). It’s possible that some of this anger is even developing into rage.

Often times, these feelings can extend into anxiety and depression. Anxiety can create many negative emotions throughout your day. You might become plagued with racing thoughts or the feeling that you have no control over what’s to come. Without that control, it soon becomes possible that something bad is going to happen and then the pressure seeps back in. Your reality is it seems to all be your fault if something bad does go wrong, because as a man, you need to be the one to always hold it together.

You’re not alone.

The feelings you are experiencing are something that many other men feel too  Additionally, expressing these feelings often has judgment from others attached to it, and that is the opposite of the space we want to create for you.

If you no longer want to be defined by the ways in which society paints the picture of an “ideal man,” then you are in the right place. We offer many different treatment modalities that will help you live your best life.

How We Work: 

Your first session will consist of simply getting to know you. We’ll spend a little over a 30 minutes learning about the most important parts of your life that you feel comfortable disclosing. We can talk about your family, relationship, job, medical history and touch base on all of the aspects that make you you.

After this, we’ll set goals and create a plan that will help you reach these goals in the way that you want to succeed. From then on, our weekly sessions will be centered on working together to help make these goals a reality. We believe in using evidence-based practices in our sessions. It’s important to know that the way in which we are working together will actually work to help you live your best life. One of the first tools we use is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? -

Cognitive behavioral therapy, otherwise known as CBT, is one of the most effective ways to improve your overall mood and functioning. In CBT, we will incorporate many different strategies and ultimately, find the best strategies that work for you. Through CBT, we’ll work together to problem solve and change certain patterns of thinking or behavior that is presenting as disheartening in your daily life. In turn, this will help change the way you feel each and every day.

Do you feel as though some of these concerns are causing you to struggle in your relationship?

Let’s talk more! We can even discuss the option of couples therapy, if appropriate. Feeling as though your relationship isn’t working out or as if you are alone can be an intensely painful, stressful and even depressing time. Relationship counseling can coincide with your treatment in a positive way.

The truth is, no matter
who we are, we all
need help every once
in a while.


If you’re reading this,
it means you no longer
want to be plagued by
the distressful feelings you’re currently feeling, and that’s the most important step!


We can work together
to solve this. Let me help you live your best life.